Monday, August 5, 2019

Isaiah 52:7!!! Also Happy 50thAnniversary to my grandparents!

It was fun to get to talk to them today on their 50th!!! My mom is in Oregon so I got to say hi to them!

Wow, this past week was incredible!
I am loving my time with Elder Santana who is a really upbeat and fun personality but also teaches and helps other people with power and love!  It has been so nice to be able to learn Portuguese with him and sometimes in lessons I have been accidentally throwing in Portuguese words which always creates a confused look from the investigators but anyway its caused a lot of funny experiences this past week!
Service Project with Hermana Arroyo cut, paint, and prepare a wood sign for her smoothie stand!

We found several new investigators this past week which was wonderful but specifically I would like to talk about 2 older couples this past week we started teaching who are really awesome! The first couple is named Juan and Juana and Juan is an ex-judge for the city of Escobedo and a really religious and wonderful man who is very receptive to the message of the Restauration, which is very rare here in Mexico because generally speaking the older generation is very close to Catholic traditions, but they began right of the bat by saying, we only wanted to talk with you two at first because you were always smiling and talking with the people in the street, and the simple fact that you always said good morning, or good afternoon to us helped us gain a lot of confidence with you two, but now after taking a real interest in us and after hearing about Jose Smith, we have felt and recognized that you have been sent from God to bless us!  This was one of the most incredible moments of the mission so far, not because of self-recognition or anything, but the fact that the Lord had prepared these two very humble and wonderful people to learn about the Restored Gospel of Christ.  They couldn´t come to church yesterday but they are reading the Book of Mormon and have said that they are coming this week!
The other couple is named Rodrigo and Seda! They were really closed off to us at first, but after passing by their house every day and talking a little bit with them, they finally accepted the offer that we could visit them! It was a wonderful lesson that we had and they truly felt a peace after hearing the message of the plan of salvation, (because they had lost a grandson recently) and said please keep coming back because this is the first time we have been able to have hope for our grandson because he wasn´t baptized in the Catholic church and they thought that he had gone to an eternal torment, but now they are also willing to begin coming to our church and learn more about God´s love and the principles he has revealed through his prophets!
After seeing these lessons and so many others I would just like to add my simple testimony that truly God is preparing people for the message of the Gospel and much like He has declared in 2 Nephi 27:20-21 *He will do his own work!* He just needs us to be able to take part in this process and receive the miraculous learning experiences that come from sharing the gospel with other people! I know that He love us! He has a plan for us and that He is in control over the seemingly insignificant details of our lives!
I love you all so much!
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Keep Praying, Keep Believing!
Elder Raven