Monday, February 18, 2019

6 Meses (6 MONTHS!)

Elder Raven's Entire ZONE 2/16/19
Hola everybody!
This has been absolutely wild looking back and seeing all that has happened in these short few months!  It has been really great this past week to work with a lot of contacting because sadly many investigators went cold on the gospel message, between the Jehovah´s Witness, family pressure or work schedules it was kind of rough, so it meant that we dedicated quite a bit of time to looking for references and doing street contacting!  This resulted in some pretty phenomenal experiences that I would like to share with y'all:

Leadership Conference
We had an amazingly edifying experience with all the Zone Leaders and District Leaders with the Asistants in the meeting of Liderazgo!  i was able to see about half of my CCM district was also assigned to be district leaders in other parts which is really quite strange because normally more experienced missionaries are assigned to serve as leaders but I guess it came about as a result of the fact that our mission right now has about one half of us with less than six months in the mission!  So it is really skewed to a group of younger missionaries which is great because it means that we have a ton of enthusiasm, energy, and the capacity to change the norms and create a lasting impression!

First, Jorge Alberto!
This young father has been searching for the true Church of God for 5 years, and is truly such a wonderful man who has so many questions that in our last lesson with him we had to slow him down a bit to be able to answer fully some of his questions and help him understand the basics, which is absolutely phenomenal!  We have him committed to come to the church, and it was an awesome time teaching him the first lesson because he was so hungry to learn more and began to ask loads of questions about the purpose of life and the plan of God after we had taught the Restoration, and my companion and I smiled at each other, then we introduced the first principles of the Plan of Salvation to him!  He is such a miracle in such a difficult week, and his young children are absolutely adorable!  We still haven´t met his wife yet, but we will figure it out on 

As well, last Saturday we had the awesome experience of a Zone Activity in the branch of Hidalgo, where literally they have an average of 12 people attending church every week, but after the activity, they literally doubled and they have plans to help this struggling are!  What we did is that one member of the Stake Presidency or Stake High Council went with a companionship of missionaries to teach and actualize the member list of the branch and do some contacts as well!  This was really great, but was a little bit difficult in the activity because the households that we were assigned didn´t have the numbers of the houses in order and as we were driving by we passed by the numbers 204, 527, 904, 106 and it was like they had drawn out of a hat the number of their house which made it very slow but very worthwhile and we found three families that despite quite a bit of time outside of church activity are talking with the missionaries from Hidalgo, and we hope that everything can work better for them!
This week has been wild in the temperature because we have gone from 90 degrees to 50 degrees and with the air down here it can feel scorchingly hot or absolutely freezing, but we keep echando las ganas!  We feel truly blessed to be down here in Alianza Real and I know that this is the Lord´s work, that every one of us, with our varying spiritual talents and gifts that has a large role to place before the Second Coming of Christ, and that he can magnify us in ways that we cannot even imagine!
I love you all so much, and until next week!
Elder Raven

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