Monday, March 25, 2019

Where Rocks Fall (El Pedregal Pt. 1)

Wow! How are you all doing?
This past week has been phenomenally great and sad because after saying goodbye to all of Alianza Real I was kind of feeling down but then I came here with Elder Chavez and I am feeling the missionary spirit right now!  He is working really well with me, and although he is kind of goofy at times, we get along really well!  So this area is great because we are at the base of a mountain so the view is absolutely stunning and we have a poorer area because the further out from the city you are the less economically stable it is which is great because we have a lot of crazy adventures and a more teachable area!  This area has been known for having a ton of success and I am loving my district right now because we have really motivated great Elders and a pair of Sisters that share the ward with us because they live in the nice part of town, haha! 
Anyway, we have had some cool teaching experiences that I thought to share with you guys in vez de compartir some spiritual thoughts!
So we contacted the family Navarrasco this past Wednesday as we were checking for old references in the system and I felt to ask this young mother if she had ever spoken to missionaries before, we began to talk about the message of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ and as a result we were able to teach Yulissa (the young mom), her mother, grandmother, and several other family members that were interested and in total we taught a lesson to this wonderful family of 7 people!  We were all prepared and ready to teach yesterday the Restauration and see how receptive they were but then I felt a need to start asking a few questions about the family and their needs before continuing.  As a result, the grandmother of Yulissa told us that she had lost her son about a month ago, and she was so wonderfully enthused when we asked her if she would like to know where her son was at.  She smiled and softened up and prayed and began to teach the Plan of Salvation to all of them!  This was a wonderful way in which the Spirit helped her open up because she is a really tough old little Catholic grandma who normally doesn´t open up to missionaries but thanks to this lesson we are going to be teaching them next Sunday, and be having daily contact with them through a scriptural text or a phone call to make sure they are reading and praying about the book of Mormon because they all work Monday-Saturday so that was a really awesome miracle that we have going on!
Secondly, we found Nancy who is someone who the missionaries taught back in May who was really receptive and felt that the church was true but due to her work schedule she couldn´t make it to church and she lost contact with the Elders.  But thankfully and sadly that her father has contracted Alzheimer's she is bound to help him everyday of the week and has stopped working which has given us the opportunity to teach her once again!! She loves hearing the word of God and wants to draw nearer to him, but she really likes the Catholic Church, but I believe that if she can really connect and feel through heartfelt prayer that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, that she will have the desires to drop her traditions for a much more blessed lifestyle!  She is absolutely awesome because she loves the Elders from before and after the lesson just kept on telling us that whatever thing that we need we can count on her!  It was such a wonderful blessing to feel the spirit testify to her that really we are representative of Christ and that His gospel has been restored in these latter days!
These are just a handful of the cool things we are seeing, and I accidentally left my camera at home again! But until next week...
Stay Faithful And True!
Elder Raven 

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